Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sugar - Who needs it?

I received an email today about '146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health'! I'm not going to post all 146 reasons, and the link in the email only contains 144...but I digress. If you want to read the 144 you can go here. These reasons might be extreme in some instances, but since there is not any dietary 'need' for sugar (that I'm aware of), why do we drink/eat so much of it? I know I get way too much sugar from soda, which I have trained myself to think I need and have become addicted to the caffeine it contains. To put it simply, it's because it tastes good. I read that the USDA recommends no more than 8% of your calories consumed in your average diet be from sugar. I've also heard there are differences between white sugar and refined sugar... something to the effect that white sugar is not as healthy and refined sugar basically has no limit to how much you can intake a day (not sure I agree with that, as I'm a fan of moderation).
What's the out come of all this thinking about Sugar? For me it means I'm going to reduce (if not completely stop) drinking soda. Below is a nice video I found that shows how much sugar there actually is in a can of soda. Quite amazing really!