Friday, March 24, 2023

Atlas Earth Website with Free Atlas Bucks

Hey everyone... this new web application from Atlas Earth is pretty cool. You cannot play the game from the website, but it helps a lot of people add to the game. Especially those iOS users who could not associate credit cards for the merchant program. They now support both VISA and Mastercard which is nice as well. If you want to purchase Atlas Bucks, this is the place to do it as well, as the prices are better than you will find inside the actual application. Lots of people are excited about this game and what is to come of it... and this new web application is a great step forward.

It is what it is until it aint

How often have you heard this saying, "It is what it is until it aint" What does it even mean? I liked Rodney Norman's take on this as well here: The saying makes it sound like there isn't anything you can do about... and then sometimes you say "It is what it is" even though there is something you can do about it. People become lazy and either don't want to do something about it, or they may actually think there is nothing you can do about it, when really there is something. This makes people go a little bit crazy per what Rodney Norman says in the youtube video linked here. If you like his video - you should follow him for some other entertaining clips. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Be open to change and different concepts

All too often people are found to be set in their ways. Not open to new ideas. This can lead to avoiding great ideas because they don't go along with what we already know. It is always best to list out the good and the bad of new ideas and then compare this with the good and the bad of existing processes. If you want to really challenge yourself to THINK well... be open to new ideas. You never know what greatness can come from new ideas. :)

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Post COVID thoughts

Pre COVID people would go to work sick all the time... During COVID, this basically very rarely happened, and now post COVID - I feel it is a mixed bag. Some people still hold by the staying home when sick, where others have slid back into the old habits of risking exposing people when sick. Is one way better than the other? I think there are pros and cons to both approaches. Due to our selfish natures, I think the majority will end up going back to pre COVID risk of exposing others.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Atlas Earth Calculator

So my son started telling me about this app on his phone called Atlas Earth. I didn't think much of it at first, but the concept of buying parcels online and getting paid rent for them every second started to sound nice. Then I started wondering how much am I actually making and what should I spend my Atlas Bucks on next. More parcels or more badges? Well, I created this Atlas Earth Calculator that helps with just that. Check it out and hopefully it will help you rise to the top of your game.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I agree with the idea, but not how it was presented...

AOL news posted a picture of a gigantic balloon that contained political messages to and about both dominate political candidates.  One section caught my eye immediately... F***ING VOTE!  Good message in poor taste.  I would love to have our nation get more than 75% voter turnout, but at the same time, I want those people to know who they are voting for and why they choose that candidate.  It's one thing to just go vote, it's another to take an interest in the system and educate yourself on the issues that matter to you and our country most.   Both candidates for this election are not perfect ( I don't think there ever will be a perfect candidate ).  For me, it's about picking the candidate that I can agree with on most of the issues and is the lesser of evils.  
Oh, and if you watched the debate, be sure to vote who you thought won at these two places:
Thanks, and remember to educate yourself and get out the vote. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sugar - Who needs it?

I received an email today about '146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health'! I'm not going to post all 146 reasons, and the link in the email only contains 144...but I digress. If you want to read the 144 you can go here. These reasons might be extreme in some instances, but since there is not any dietary 'need' for sugar (that I'm aware of), why do we drink/eat so much of it? I know I get way too much sugar from soda, which I have trained myself to think I need and have become addicted to the caffeine it contains. To put it simply, it's because it tastes good. I read that the USDA recommends no more than 8% of your calories consumed in your average diet be from sugar. I've also heard there are differences between white sugar and refined sugar... something to the effect that white sugar is not as healthy and refined sugar basically has no limit to how much you can intake a day (not sure I agree with that, as I'm a fan of moderation).
What's the out come of all this thinking about Sugar? For me it means I'm going to reduce (if not completely stop) drinking soda. Below is a nice video I found that shows how much sugar there actually is in a can of soda. Quite amazing really!